About cookies

The information below is intended to inform the user about the placement, use, and administration of the cookies used by the teaminnovation.ro site.

A cookie is a small file, generally made up of letters and numbers, which is downloaded to a computer’s memory (or other equipment used for online browsing – mobile phone, tablet, etc.) when the user accesses a particular website.

Cookies are created when the browser used by a user displays a particular website. The web site sends information to the browser, and it creates a text file. Every time the user accesses that web site again, the browser accesses and transmits this file to the site’s server. In other words, the cookie can be seen as an Internet User ID card that announces the website every time the user returns to that site.

Collecting your personal data allows us to understand your needs and requirements to deliver personalized content and to adapt your advertising space to your preferences. Teaminnovation.com respects the confidentiality of information retrieved from its users.

Teaminnovation.ro undertakes to protect the privacy of site visitors, no personal information will be passed on to third parties, except for the teaminnovation.ro partners that ensure the good functioning of this site.

This site may use technologies that allow you to collect certain technical information about you: your internet address, the operating system used, the browser type, and your traffic information through our site. All this information collected by teaminnovation.ro aims to help improve the services offered by the site.

Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make some sites unfeasible or difficult to visit and use. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean you will not receive / see online advertising anymore.

It is possible to set up the browser so that these cookies are no longer supported or you can set the browser to accept cookies from a particular site. But, for example, if you are not registered using cookies, you will not be able to leave comments. All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in Options or in the browser preference menu you use.